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German suicide bombers in Iraq

Worry about Germany’s “terrorism export”

Ahmet C. (left) in an IS camp | Source: propaganda image
Translated from German by Claire Vaux
The original appeared on the Tagesschau website

16/09/2014 18:08
As a teenager, he played football in Germany’s Ruhr region. This year, as a 21-year-old, it is reported that he blew himself up in Bagdad. According to research undertaken by various German media channels, this man’s supposed attack is not an isolated case. The German government refers to it as a worrying development.
Volkmar Kabisch and Christian Baars reporting for NDR:
Ahmet C. looks into the camera, slightly tensed up. He is wearing the football strip of a local team from Germany’s southern Ruhr region. It’s there that he spent years playing football as an adolescent. According to his friends and the authorities, he is also in another picture, taken in the middle of this year: the 21-year-old has a red and white scarf over his face and he is in Iraq, sitting in a camp belonging to the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS). In his right hand he holds a gun and he has an explosive belt around his body.

Erasmus, the EU and Theology: From translation to transubstantiation

For Europeans of my generation, the first thing that springs to mind on hearing the name "Erasmus" is the European study exchange scheme that is funded by the EU.
The programme encourages academic exchange and travel amongst those in higher education.

I did an Erasmus-funded year abroad in Germany and all I actually knew about Erasmus back then was that he was supposedly pro travel and pro study. If you look up the Erasmus programme online, the reason behind choosing Erasmus as the name of the scheme becomes obvious:

"The Programme is named after the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, known as an opponent of dogmatism, who lived and worked in many places in Europe to expand his knowledge and gain new insights, and who left his fortune to the University of Basel in Switzerland" (Wikipedia entry)

"He studied at diverse European universities and described the education as a chance for modern people." (Erasmus Student Network)

As I have recently learned that he was also an important Renaissance theologian, I find it particularly interesting that the Wikipedia entry describes him as a philosopher rather than a theologian.