DE>EN Translation

My experience (at a glance)

  • I have translated over 400,000 words since I began working as a freelance translator 7 years ago
  • I have much experience of working with both agencies and direct clients
  • I specialise in marketing, engineering and administrative texts
  • I also have a penchant for literary texts and historical documents / Gothic script

My qualifications (at a glance)

MA in Audiovisual Translation Studies (Distinction) from the University of Leeds

How did this qualification equip me for professional translation? Here are some highlights:
  • Specialised German Translation
    • Exploring techniques for common translation problems with German>English translation
    • Working with a broad range of genres
    • Collaborative working, giving and receiving constructive criticism
    • Detailed feedback from tutors
  • Subtitling theory and practice
    • Writing concisely
    • Considering context and the target audience
    • Creative solutions to problematic texts
  • CAT tools
    • Using and comparing CAT tools
    • Exploring the boundaries of computer assisted translation (CAT) software
    • Discovering less well-known features
  • Translation theory
    • Considering different approaches to and philosophies of translation
    • Learning to thoroughly think through and justify translation decisions

First Class BA (Hons) in English and German from the University of Leeds

How did this qualification equip me for professional translation? Here are some highlights:

  • English Literature
    • Reading widely
    • Detailed and critical analysis of texts
    • Essay writing under timed conditions
  • German Language
    • Thorough grammatical training
    • Comparing and analysing text types
    • Reading, writing, speaking and listening
    • Year abroad as an English Assistant in various schools in Berlin
  • German Literature and Culture
    • Reading widely in German and detailed analysis of texts
    • Learning about German history and contemporary culture
  • Advanced German>English Translation
    • Introduction to translation theory and different genres
    • Collaborative working and peer critiquing of work
    • Detailed feedback from tutors

If you wish to see my full CV, please contact me at klaerend (at)
or check out my LinkedIn profile: