German suicide bombers in Iraq

Worry about Germany’s “terrorism export”

Ahmet C. (left) in an IS camp | Source: propaganda image
Translated from German by Claire Vaux
The original appeared on the Tagesschau website

16/09/2014 18:08
As a teenager, he played football in Germany’s Ruhr region. This year, as a 21-year-old, it is reported that he blew himself up in Bagdad. According to research undertaken by various German media channels, this man’s supposed attack is not an isolated case. The German government refers to it as a worrying development.
Volkmar Kabisch and Christian Baars reporting for NDR:
Ahmet C. looks into the camera, slightly tensed up. He is wearing the football strip of a local team from Germany’s southern Ruhr region. It’s there that he spent years playing football as an adolescent. According to his friends and the authorities, he is also in another picture, taken in the middle of this year: the 21-year-old has a red and white scarf over his face and he is in Iraq, sitting in a camp belonging to the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS). In his right hand he holds a gun and he has an explosive belt around his body.
A few days later, horrific images are circulated worldwide. Ahmed C. apparently blew himself up at a checkpoint in southern Bagdad. 54 people were killed, including many schoolchildren. The family of Ahmet C. does not believe that he was the attacker. Nevertheless, the regional authorities in Germany see it as “highly likely” that this attack was carried out by Ahmed C.
Anschlagsfoto Propaganda des IS am 19.07.2014 | Bildquelle: Propaganda-Bild des IS
This IS propaganda image depicts an attack on 19/07/2014.
It apparently shows the supposed attack by Ahmed C.

Evidently not an isolated case
According to research undertaken by the German TV channels NDR and WDR, as well as the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the attack that Ahmed C supposedly carried out is not an isolated case. In Iraq and Syria, IS is increasingly focusing on using western suicide bombers, many of whom come from Germany. They often give themselves the nickname “Al Almani”, as was the case with Ahmet C. A total of five cases are confirmed; four more are being verified.
According to the estimations of western intelligence services, IS specifically uses men from Europe for suicide attacks, partly for propaganda purposes. Since the beginning of March, the number of attacks carried out by Europeans is reported to have quadrupled. “They are specifically recruited and are more brutal than the Arabs”, the spokesperson for the Iraqui forces, General Kassem Atta, told German media channels.

“Abused, used as cannon fodder”
According to Ralf Jäger, the Minister of the Interior for North Rhine-Westphalia, Ahmed C. is a typical example of these Jihad fighters. “They become radicalised very quickly here because they are looking for orientation and values and they are susceptible to extremist ideologies.” Once they arrive, they are pressured into carrying out suicide attacks. “They get abused, used as cannon fodder”, says Mr Jäger.
It seems that one of the men responsible for pressuring the young men into suicide attacks could soon be arrested. The suspected IS official has admitted to transporting one young German to the location of his attack. The IS member who has been arrested also made a statement saying that he met three more Germans in an IS house in Fallujah who were still awaiting deployment.

Concern in Berlin
The national government and intelligence personnel are visibly worried about the growing number of suicide bombers from Germany. Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said the following in response to media enquiries: “We don’t want death being imported into Iraq from Germany. The export of terror is intolerable and must be prevented.”
Hans-Georg Maaßen, the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution said: “We are keeping watch of the security situation in Germany but we also have a responsibility towards those people living in Syria and Iraq.” Additionally, Burkhard Freier, the head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in North Rhine-Westphalia, said: “We must prevent radicals from leaving the country so they don’t carry out suicide attacks.”

For more on this topic, see:

Translated with love (and not for profit) for anyone interested
and especially for Ho-Ting Chung

Not to be reproduced without permission